태인과 함께 성장하세요

신뢰할 수 있고 끝없는 서비스를 통해 고객이 더 나은 미래를 건설할 수 있도록 돕습니다.

icon_widget_image 월 - 토 8:00 - 17:30, 일요일 - 휴무 icon_widget_image 플롯 번호: C-28, Vile-Bhagad MIDC, 핀 코드 - 402308, 우체국 - Vile, Dist - Raigad, Maharashtra, 인도 icon_widget_image +91 9607031414 icon_widget_image +91 9657199409 icon_widget_image taiinsteelfab@gmail.com

CEO 인사말

         Our business roots since 1992. TAEIN E&C has been preceding factory construction with overall general tasks of construction business. Through the decades, we have earned profound recognition from customers worldwide, and still are pushing boundaries of the industry to deliver unexperienced services. Even our business started from construction, our perspective of industry encouraged us to expand the service line beyond its origin. Great ambitions arouse in 2004 with establishment of E&G Steel, currently standing as largest HR Steel distributor in Korea. Second phase of expansion commenced in 2007 with launch of structure steel fabrication division in TAEIN E&C. Currently our business areas have expanded to 6 domains; Engineering & Construction, Steel Service Center, Steel Marketing & Sales Solutions, Structure Steel Manufacturing & Fabrications, and Cold Rolled Coil Processing and Technical Support

 This integration is vibrant proof of our considerations towards the market. With completion of service chain, our commitment to deliver greater service are developing. Our staff members will propose variety of service which customers can choose from, or will be constructed according to customer’s concept in mind. A step forward for your business supremacy will be assured by our contributions, in mind that ordinary approaches are less valuable. Privilege of our business engagement shall be honored with our craftmanship along with ideas inspired by excellent practices. As all our staff members always have, we will push the boundaries of industry and enhance our capabilities for your success and confidence.

Thank You.

Park, Sangchul

 CEO of TAEIN Group



코일 슬리팅

우리는 고객과 프로젝트의 요구 사항을 철저히 이해한 후에만 다양한 제품을 제공합니다.

코일 전단

With the support of modern production facility and team of innovators we match the client expectations

코일 틸팅

We assist our clients by considering every aspect of the business. We promise to offer safe, and robust product.


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몇 해요


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